27 Porn Facts That Reveal Some Eye-Opening Details And Secrets About The Porn Industry
You may watch it, but when it comes to porn facts you probably don't know that many. Or maybe you do, because perhaps your interest is a little on the unhealthy side. Either way, these tidbits about the porn industry are equally revealing, fascinating, and sometimes TMI. But i guarantee these porn facts will open your eyes to the more unusual side of a huge worldwide money-making industry that we don't usually stop to think about.
The porn industry is something that everyone has an opinion on, whether they agree with it or are vehemently against it. It's also an industry that drives technological change and innovation. The first porn movies were made in the 1800s when cinema was taking off, it helped standardize Super 8 film, helped VHS beat Betamax when the two formats were battling, and helped Blu Ray defeat HD DVDs too. Examples of porn facts i bet you didn't know.
Back in 2001, there were about 70,000 adult websites. Today, there are estimated to be more than 4.2 million pornographic websites in the U.S. alone. Porn has shaped and driven the Internet to turn it into an online beast.
How The Porn Industry Is Changing The World

It also pioneered online transactions, and of course has helped shape and drive the internet. 30,000,000 unique visitors are viewing porn at any second of any day. And no doubt it will continue this trend, with virtual reality a new frontier for the porn industry. If you love any kind of new internet technology the chances are porn is already established (or establishing itself) there. There's more porn facts for you. The porn industry is huge.
Plus, it also dominates Hollywood in terms of the kind of revenue that adult films bring in. Hollywood does around $8.8 billion per year, which is pretty impressive, but porn movies do an incredible $13 billion. More porn facts.
Which is why these porn facts, from the most searched terms to what exactly constitutes a gang bang, are intriguing to know. Whether you want to drop them inappropriately at a dinner party or just regale your friends with them down the bar, have a peruse, below. Unless of course you are looking at this in North Korea.
27 Eye-Opening Porn Facts About The Porn Industry