
If You Work In An Office These Things Inevitably Happen - Over and Over Again

If you work in an office it's a grim fact of life (depending on how you look at it) that this is pretty much the default working environment that most of us will have to experience at one time or another, and while each office enviroment is different in their own little ways, they also share many, many common traits.

The mantra we all say in our heads and adopt if you work in an office is 'we are all in it together' and this goes a long way to explaining how some habits in this micro-community develop can sometimes get out of control as you try to spice things up and get through the working day by finding ways to torture your fellow co-workers with kindness.

And this video pretty much nails most of them, and if you don't relate to all these things now, don't worry, give it some more time, you will--from caffeine addiction to an office draw full of useless crap, to getting fat from all the birthday treats.

Many of you will immediately relate to some of these office situations and be scared crapless that there are only 2 ways out of this ongoing tradition of what feels a lot like purgatory. One way is to become the boss and be the object of everyone's hate, or the second choice (the easy one) is to just quit your job. But the problem with the latter choice is that will you will probably end up employed in the same situation, but just in another office workplace.

So for all of you who work in an office. This is your life. Welcome to it.

work in an office

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