Japanese Couple Snap A Photo Of Their Cats Every Time They Eagerly Watch Them Eat
If you're a cat owner then you'll know exactly how the people behind these photos feel. You sit down to eat your dinner after a hard day sitting down staring at a computer, and who's spying every mouthful you take? Your cat(s).
Not only that, but dare you leave the room because you forgot a fork and your food is left unattended. That is a rookie mistake that will result in your re-entering the room only to discover your cat munching away on your delicious hot meal.
One Japanese couple have decided to take a different approach to their pets watching them eat.
Instead of the standard shooing away they take photos of their two cats staring eagerly at their dinner and upload them to Instagram.
Both the cats look at the plates of food as if to say, where's ours? It all adds up to some adorable and hilarious photography as the two felines fixate on the dishes with hope and longing in their eyes.
One day it will be theirs, one day...