'I Spanx So Hard'—Two Moms Talk The Hilarious Truth About Wearing Spanx
When it comes to spanx you may look good from the outside but underneath that dress your insides are being slowly crushed. Such is the pains of shapewear and body shapers.
But don't suffer alone, because these two moms—Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley—from YouTube channel imomsohard are here to help you laugh away that pain. And their running commentary is totally hilarious.
In their video "I Spanx So Hard" they discuss and mock the organ crushing spanx that holds your body in shape at the sacrifice of comfort. Donning some bodywear they point out how silly the whole medieval concept is, while pointing and laughing at each other's crotches.
They also admit the reason they have to wear the undergarments, mainly because they love "beige" food too much, so squeezing themselves into shapewear is a necessary evil to compensate.
Hensley even admits that her husband has to sometimes help her put it on before concluding at the end of the video. "It's supposed to make me body look like an hourglass figure, but it's more like an hour and a half."
Check out their YouTube channel or Facebook page for more hilarious takes on post-mom womanhood. Like nipple hair, spin class, and the joys of wine o'clock.