
Awesome Leaked Star Wars Episode VII Footage Is A Must See—If Totally Fake

Sure this footage of Star Wars Episode VII might be fake—and obviously so—but it's still awesome. Uploaded to YouTube by user Frank Wunderlich, it looks like he's got mad skills when it comes to CG-effects. The footage turns Frankfurt airport in Germany into an Imperial starport and comes with the following blurb.

Looks like the Story of Star Wars plays on Earth too in the next Episode. I took these pictures on my Flight back from the States to Germany at the Frankfurt Airport. Seems like the biggest german airport plays a key role as an imperial starport in the new episode -- there have just been imperial forces at the scene.

Maybe the Rebelboys hide in Berlin...

What a card. For Star Wars fans it's a lot of fun though, as it features a number of spaceships used by the Galactic Empire. Merging real footage of Frankfurt Airport with CGI we see an AT-AT Walker taking a stroll down the runway and an Imperial Destroyer in the background. There's also AT-STs, TIE fighters, an Imperial shuttle and a damaged Death Star can be seen in the sky at one point.

While the vid is fake, the new films are very real and this is a reminder that they're coming. If Kevin Smith's recent teary set visit is anything to go by, they'll hopefully be a million light years away from the garbage that was episodes I to III.

He posted the below pic to Instagram after visiting the set at Pinewood Studios about a week ago with the caption. ""Visited JJ and his EP VII set. I signed the NDA so all I can share are this old Bantha-Tracks subscriber's tears and snotty nose of joy. The Force is WITH this movie. Holy Sith..."

Visited JJ and his EP VII set. I signed the NDA so all I can share are this old Bantha-Tracks subscriber's tears and snotty nose of joy. The Force is WITH this movie. Holy Sith...

You can hear Smith gush about how JJ is creating a "tactile world" and his visit in the video below. Star Wars stuff starts at 35 minutes.

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