
Growing Up With Siblings - 33 Hilarious Memes That Sum Up the Eternal And Painful Struggle

Anyone who's suffered the slings and arrows of growing up with siblings will know that it's not all shared secrets, camaraderie, playing around together and you and them against mom and dad. In fact, it's not like that at all.

Take off those rose tinted glasses for a moment and take a good look at the eternal and painful struggle.

Rather growing up with siblings is about tolerance. If you were the first born, then when your baby bro or sis comes into the world, your world is shattered. Eventually you tolerate their existence, but begrudgingly.

Of course, if you're the younger sibling, you have to suffer the indignity of hand me downs for the first ten years of your life. Not to mention the physical aspect that you will never win a fight or a race, or have the emotional maturity to win an argument. You will also have to suffer a general sense of being second in line for everything. It sucks. Your only hope is to subtly terrorize your older sibling in anyway you can.

And always remember, with great pain (inflicted on you) comes greater revenge (inflicted on them).

Which is why these growing up with siblings memes are perfect in summing up what the whole experience of siblings is like. The many ways you tease each other, the many struggles you must endure, the sense of satisfaction when you get your brother or sister in trouble. These are for those that don't celebrate National Siblings Day, but instead like to contribute to the #GrowingUpWithSiblings twitter hashtag instead.

But, as well as pointing out the frustrations, they're a reminder of just how much fun growing up with siblings was.

The Eternal Struggles Of Growing Up With Siblings

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Growing Up With Siblings Memes 05a.
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the Eternal And Painful Struggle 08a.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 09.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 09a.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 10.
Eternal And Painful Struggle 10a.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 14.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 15.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 16.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 17.
the Eternal And Painful Struggle 18.
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#growingupwithsiblings 23.
#growingupwithsiblings 24.
#growingupwithsiblings Memes 25.
#growingupwithsiblings Memes 28.
#growingupwithsiblings Memes 29.
#growingupwithsiblings Memes 31.
#growingupwithsiblings Memes 33.

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