
Photoshopped CoverGirl Ad Used To Protest Against The NFL's Roger Goodell

The original ad

The NFL probably hoped that after they apologized for their handling of the Ray Rice domestic abuse incident and sacked Rice from the league everything would go back to normal—but it hasn't. And that's a good thing.

Domestic abuse is not something that should be brushed aside and now it's come to light that Roger Goodell, commissioner of the NFL, lied about knowing about the video months before it surfaced publicly, which showed Rice punching his fiancee in an elevator.

People are calling for Goodell's head on a plate or at the very least his resignation. #GoodellMustGo has been trending on twitter and journalist Adele Stan created a photoshopped version of one of CoverGirl's GameFace ads, showing a model with a black eye.

The hashtag was also used on banners by women's advocacy group Ultraviolet, which were flown over NFL stadiums during Sunday's games.

A few days after those images were trending on Twitter Rihanna, herself a victim of domestic abuse, sent an angry tweet to CBS regarding her song being used—or not being used—for its Thursday Night Football show. Initially the network pulled a comedy version of her song "Run This Town" featuring Don Cheadle saying it wasn't setting the right tone after the Ray Rice incident. Then CBS wanted to reinstate the song, when Rihanna tweeted the following:

So that's that then. Since the photoshopped images were posted, CoverGirl came back with the following statement:

As a brand that has always supported women and stood for female empowerment, CoverGirl believes domestic violence is completely unacceptable. We developed our NFL program to celebrate the more than 80 million female football fans. In light of recent events, we have encouraged the NFL to take swift action on their path forward to address the issue of domestic violence.

They're still going to continue sponsoring the NFL though.

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