
27 Factslides (Or Random Facts) That Will Amuse & Bemuse Any Of Your Friends Who Will Listen

Arm yourself with these factslides (or random facts if you have no idea what that means) and the next time you're out down the local bar or at a party, you can pull them out and either bore or entertain people with your endless supply of factslides. It really all depends on their penchant for wanting to hear about, say, what the highest ever soccer match score is. Or how Verizon failed to deliver on their pledge to supply households with fast broadband. Who doesn't want to know stuff like that, eh?

If they start to lose interest then drop in a celeb random fact about why Leonardo Di Caprio is named Leonardo.

Either way, there should be enough random facts here to cover all manner of tastes. So now matter what sort of person you are, or what sort of person your friends are, or even total strangers are. You can regal them with your factslides on all manner of unrelated subjects. You'll be the life and soul of any public event. Maybe.

The great thing about factslides is that each one is as random unconnected as the next. What's not to like.

The Art Behind Delivering Factslides Properly

random facts 44.

Just make sure when you deliver them, you do so with the right amount of assured authority, like you didn't just read these tidbits of wisdom off the internet. But instead you somehow acquired these random facts through rigorous research. Or at least through some Wikipedia reading, which is no doubt how they came to be anyway.

And as an indication as to whether people are enraptured, things to look out for in your audience are, lots of chin-stroking and nodding of the head. And utterings from people like, "Well, now, really that is just rivieting, utterly fascinating."

If those are the reactions you're getting, then you're delivering these factslides with the expertise they demand. If your audience seems to be wandering off, making excuses to go get a drink or use the rest room then that is an indication your delivery needs some more work. But never give up, your audience is out there somewhere. And with that in mind here are some great factslides that are guaranteed not to fail. Honest.

Check them out below. And head on over to Factslides.com, the original source for all of these random facts.

Factslides (Random Facts) That Will Amuse Anyone

Factslides 01.
Factslides 02.
Factslides 03.
Factslides 04.
Factslides 05.
Factslides 06.
Factslides 07.
Factslides 08.
Factslides 09.
Factslides 10.
knowledge 01.
knowledge 02.
knowledge 03.
knowledge 04.
knowledge 05.
knowledge 06.
knowledge 07.
random facts 01.
random facts 02.
random facts 03.
random facts 04.
random facts 05.
random facts 08.
random facts 09.
random facts 10.
random facts11.
random facts 12.

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