Shia LaBeouf Cage-Fights A Little Girl In This Bizarre Music Video For Sia's 'Elastic Heart'
If the little girl dance-fighting with Shia LaBeouf inside a cage in this video looks familiar to you, that's because her name is Maddie Ziegler and she's the dancing girl from the video for Sia's song "Chandelier."
And now she's back in a new Sia video for "Elastic Heart" along with LaBeouf, as the pair go mano-a-girlo inside a giant bird cage while decked out in flesh-colored leotards. Because, why not?
But this being Shia LaBeouf it shouldn't strike you as in any way weird that he's chosen to do this. It's exactly what you should expect him to do.
In fact, if he stops doing really strange things like this, then you know something is wrong with the universe.