
The Heartbreaking Woody Toy Story Origin Video Is 'Fake News' Says Pixar's Andrew Stanton

A viral video detailing the Woody Toy Story and the origin backstory has been called 'fake news' by one of the co-writers of the hugely popular Pixar movie trilogy, Andrew Stanton. It all started to manifest when YouTube channel SuperCarlinBrothers released a video (shown above) that claimed to tackle "one of the longest standing mysteries about Pixar’s Toy Story movies"—and that was, just what had happened to Andy’s dad?

In the films we often see and hear Andy's mom, and sister, but we never see or hear about his dad. Which has caused people to wonder what the deal is with him. Are Andy's parents separated? Did the dad die?

That secret, which also encompasses the tragic Woody Toy Story origin, was alleged to be known by Pixar screenwriter Joe Ranft who revealed it to his buddy Mike Mozart. Raft, who was a key creative for Pixar, doing animation, storyboarding, and voice acting, sadly died in 2005 so can't confirm anything. But in this video, J from SuperCarlinBrothers interviews Mozart, an artist and toy designer, who details the backstory of Andy's dad.

To sum it up he basically says Mozart claims that Andy's dad, also called Andy, is dead, he died after getting polio and getting Post-Polio Syndrome. But the story also details the Woody Toy Story origin. Because Mozart claims that Andy Sr. got the very rare toy from a 1950s cereal box promotion. And it was the only one ever made, a prototype. It was going to be used in a giveaway but the production of the toys was cancelled when the Sputnik satellite went up, because that ushered in the age of all things space. Kids no longer wanted cowboy toys. Just before he died Andy Sr. gave the toy to Andy, handing down this one-of-a-kind as something to remember him by. And this, as claimed by Mozart, is the Woody Toy Story origin backstory. A very sad and heartfelt tale.

But Is The Woody Toy Story Origin Backstory True?

So far, so I'm not crying you're crying. But the thing is, the whole story looks like it was a bit of made-up dinner table gossip and was called out as 'fake news' by Stanton on Twitter. “Nothing to see here, folks.” he tweeted.

Twitter Has It's Own Take On Who Andy's Dad Was

So, the plot thickens and it seems the mystery of Andy's dad and the Woody Toy Story origin are still just that, a mystery. Of course, this being twitter some other people had their own, somewhat far out, theories on what happened to Andy's dad.

So Who Does Know The Woody Toy Story Origin?

Still, for now the whole polio idea will just have to remain a theory. Maybe the next instalment of the franchise, Toy Story 4, will shed some light when it's released on 21 June 2019. It looks like the only person who knows the real truth about the Woody Toy Story Origin backstory is Woody himself and he isn't currently available for comment.

woody toy story origin backstory 01.

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