
Fans Really Weren't Very Happy About 'True Blood' Series Finale

The coffin lid came down for the last time on blood-sucking TV show True Blood, as the series finale on Sunday put one final stake through the heart of a show that's been running for the last six years. And, as you can imagine with a series that's been going for seven seasons, there were quite a few loose ends to tie up in the town of Bon Temps, Louisiana.

Except, a bit like with Lost, a lot of those loose ends were left loose, meaning not everyone was exactly happy with the way things turned out. In fact, a lot of fans were seriously pissed off with it all. There were comparisons being drawn with the way Dexter ended, and that ending wasn't exactly looked upon favourably.

Some people thought it was a bad way to end a decent season.

Others thought it had lost its way as a series long ago.

And people thought it was a bit of a cop out with all the "happily ever after" wedding nonsense.

Plus, for a show that hasn't been shy with the x-rated stuff, the finale was seriously lacking in it.

So the general conclusion: it was a really shoddy way to finish things.

The True Blood finale was so depressingly awful. The writer's broke their own rules, ignored long standing... (Amy Eyrie)

Oh well. Maybe their time would've been better spent doing something else?

Or maybe HBO should've called in a guest writer to finish the series.

So long True Blood, not sure you'll exactly be missed. But hey, at least you got a reaction.

The cast and crew say goodbye after seven seasons in this behind-the-scenes featurette.

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