
Guy Dates His Virtual Dating Sim 'Girlfriend' IRL By Wearing Her As A Cosplay Bodysuit - #LovePlus

Jesus this is meta. You may or may not have heard of the dating simulator game from Konami LovePlus. It's only available in Japan for the Nintendo DS and it's a little bit weird as you play a character who woos and dates virtual women who become your digital girlfriends.

But one guy was so taken with his virtual sweetheart that he wanted to take her on a real date, in the real world.

Problem is, how do you take a virtual entity to, say, a physical beach? One Twitter user, Menokomakiri, came up with a solution. He made a cosplay bodysuit of his mate and then wore her. That way he could take her wherever he went in a very literal way.

Only problem is, it's just about the creepiest thing you could ever do. It's got more than a little Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs about it, although minus the actual skinning of human beings. But still.

Supposedly dressing up in a full body costume and mask of a favorite video game or animation character is not new. It's called animegao kigurumi and is a type of cosplay. But this is extra weird because Menokomakiri is essentially dating himself dressed as his crush, which is just bizarre. But hey, who are we to judge.

Take a look at the pics below and sleep well tonight, won't you.

h/t Rocket News 24

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