This Guy Took Tinder Pick-Up Lines To The Streets To See If They Would Work In Real Life
You probably have an idea of how this pans out in the video below. When talking to women on the streets of London, this guy sees if he can charm them using online techniques used by guys on Tinder and other dating apps. Turns out that, no, most women don't respond well to being propositioned explicitly using emojis.
Or being asked straight up if they want intercourse.
It's not just the way potential dates are approached on these apps either, but dating profiles are places where people feel it's OK to lie, whether that be about their relationship status, their age, or their weight. All this and more has been revealed in a new study undertaken by dating-app-with-a-differenceTrueView.
TrueView polled over 2,000 British people to find out that and two in five (41%) of respondents admitted to lying on their dating profiles. Lying about age and weight are kind of forgivable, but lying about whether you're single or not is not. Also, don't talk about your ex, a new beau just doesn't want to know. Not on a first date, anyway.
They also found that people spend on average around one minute and 45 seconds connecting with a possible life partner. Which is less time then they spend making a sandwich or brewing a cup of tea.
To hammer home the huge discrepancy of how people act online compared to off (which isn't just limited to dating apps, either) TrueView sent comedian Jolyon Rubinstein from The Revolution Will Be Televised onto the streets. Wearing a mock up of a phone screen he interacted with strangers in the manner that people do online. The results are cringe-inducing, but they certainly put the point across.
“People looking for love are finding themselves trudging through conversations with people who aren’t serious about dating, or worse, are lying." Matt Verity, co-founder of TrueView said. "This is a huge issue across a number of today’s dating apps. While some may claim to be about finding real relationships, often this is backed up with fluff, like swiping a different way or being able to super-like to show someone you're 'really keen'. None of them actually protect people from fake profiles, or make any effort to weed out those wanting to use online dating for the wrong reasons. That’s why we have integrated Jumio, the verification system used by easyjet and AirBnB to ensure that the TrueView platform is safe from poseurs and frauds. Daters will also be able to feedback on members using the industry first trust score and community rating system, meaning that members’ own behaviour – like sending unwanted naked pictures – dictates their level of success.”