
Not Everyone Regrets Their Tattoos When They Get Older, As This Fascinating Documentary Reveals

Getting inked can be a big decision in your life, unless the decision is made while drunk—then it might be a regrettable decision. But regretting tattoos can be a common misconception.

That's not to say people don't regret them, Cristina O’Connell's documentary Tattoo Regret is a case in point, where she talks to people who feel differently about the tattoos they got when they were younger.

But as a counterbalance to that is a short film by Angie Bird called You Won't Regret That Tattoo. In it Bird interviews people about their ink, discussing what it means and how it's affected their lives.

It helps that the people in the doc are from an older generation, with fascinating and touching personal stories.

But mainly it serves as a great reminder that tattoos can serve important social functions, as well as looking good. So it's not all bad news as you get older.

If these people have any advice for the younger generatin then it would be, "maybe don't get one when you're totally wasted." - Pretty good advice for any generation if you ask me.


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