
Turn Your Smartphone Into A Hologram Using An Old CD Case And Some Adhesive Tape (Honest)

The great thing about the internet is that whenever something new and amazing comes along and it trends, chances are you are going to hear about it pretty damn quick and share it with your friends and family.

The downside however is that, because it's the internet, not everything you watch is 100% the real deal as some epic trolls such as Dennis Quaid’s on-set ‘Freak Out have proved, but by then it's too late as you've already told the planet what a a-hole he is and the prank's on you.

This is one of those moments when when you have to decide whether this is the case, this amazing smartphone hack looks too good to be true, but if it's so simple then why haven't you seen it before?

Anyway, fake or real, chances are you will never get around to actually doing this, but it's a pretty cool trick nonetheless. And strictly it isn't a hologram but a kind of 3D projector that has the appearance of a hologram.

The idea is that you create an upside down square pyramid which, when using a specially created video like this one, is then able to reflect four animated matching images making it look like you're seeing a floating hologram.

And the results as you can see are pretty damn cool.


It's simple to do as YouTuber Mrwhosetheboss demonstrates in the video, because to create the ultra lo-fi trick all you need is some graph paper, an old CD case, and some tape.

Plus the time and inclination to actually follow his instructions.

One incentive, however, for doing it is, since the video went viral on Reddit, someone's created a Shia LaBeouf holo video of him doing his OTT motivational speech.

'Help me, Shia LaBeouf. You're my only hope.'

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