
Watch The Hilarious Game of Thrones: Season 4 Blooper Reel

If you needed any more reasons to make you jealous of the cast of Game of Thrones for starring in one of the greatest TV shows ever, this is it.

Not only do they get to dress up in cool clothes and fight with swords and swear a lot, they have great fun while they're doing it.

The short clip features Tyrion and Jamie dancing, Tywin messing up his lines, Daenerys dropping the f-bomb and is entirely worthy of two minutes of your time.


In other G.O.T news, cast members of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” at Friday’s Comic-Con panel remained tight-lipped on spoilers. Fans were told they would not get any plot details about the upcoming fifth season, but they did reveal information about nine actors that have been added to the new series.

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