
Twitter Reacts With Hilarity At Ryan Reynolds' Joyless Expression While Sat Next To #Hiddleswift

If you were caught in the middle of a Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston love-in you too would probably be as bereft as Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds is in this photo, which is causing Twitter no end of amusement.

The pic was taken at Taylor Swift’s Fourth of July Party at her Rhode Island abode and shows Reynolds with his wife Blake Lively sat on his lap. To their right is Britany Maack (who posted the image), a childhood friend of Swift's, and on the left of the image is where Reynolds pain is emanating from.

Because sat there is Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston cuddling up together. Their cringeworthy pose and the whole sickly sweet setup of the photo seemingly causing Reynolds to stare off into the distance—and question why he bothers coming to these things.

Why he bothers with anything, really.

It's a look that says a thousand words, many of them woeful and possibly insulting.

As one sarcastically observant person tweeted, "Ryan Reynolds, looking like he's dying inside, is all of us."

But Reynolds pain is Twitter's gain, because a photo like that couldn't just be posted and ignored. Instead people had to have some fun with it, putting their own take on what Reynolds' expression means.

With Reynolds liking to joke himself on the social media site he'll prob see the funny side of it too. Eventually. Once he's finished therapy to get over the trauma of Hiddleswift.

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Here's the picture:

And here's Twitter having a good, hearty laugh at it.

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