
Comedian Rich Hall Hilariously Explains Why All Tom Cruise Movies Are The Same

Comedian Rich Hall is not a fan of Tom Cruise movies (he certainly won't be stoked about the news there's going to be a Top Gun 2 movie in the making), and he makes a really great case in this hilarious standup routine for why Cruise's movies are all, essentially, exactly the same.

The standup segment is taken from one of Rich Hall's appearances on the BBC show Live at the Apollo. And in it the comedian points at the glaring similarities in Tom Cruise's movies—and once you watch it and hear the evidence laid out like this, it's very hard to disagree with.

He starts with Cocktail. In that movie, Hall says, Cruise plays a cocktail waiter who's a a pretty good cocktail waiter but has some bad luck. This is turn leads to a crisis of confidence but all is resolved when the love of a good woman helps him to turn things around.

Fair enough. Rich has a point, but lets not discount the fact that some movies just feel similar and for an actor like Tom Cruise who has made lots of films this is just a coincidence. But no, there's more. Much, much more.

You'd Think Rich Hall Would Stop There, But No

Rich Hall 01.

So then Rich Hall goes on to another Tom Cruise movie, Days of Thunder, explaining he plays a race car driver who's a pretty good race car driver but has some bad luck. This is turn leads to a crisis of confidence, but all is resolved when the love of a good woman helps him to turn things around.

Then, in Top Gun, he plays a fighter pilot who's a pretty good fighter pilot but has some bad luck. This is turn leads to a crisis of confidence but all is resolved when the love of a good woman helps him to turn things around.

Then, in Jerry Maguire, he's a sports agent, a pretty good sports agent who has some bad...and yeah, you get the idea. Rich Hall ends with War of the Worlds and only covers about five movies in the skit (which ends on a great Scrabble gag, by the way).

But you could use the comedian's analysis on pretty much any of Cruise's movies. Like, for instance, The Color of Money where he's a pool player, a pretty good pool player who has some bad luck. Or Rain Main where he's a car salesman who's a pretty good car salesman but has some bad luck. Or A Few Good Men, where he's a lawyer, a pretty good lawyer who has some bad luck...it goes on and on.

In fact, it's a total mind blower of a revelation. Tom Cruise just makes the same movie again and again it's just his character has different jobs. Like, whoah.

Rich Hall Tom Cruise Feature.

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