
Here's A Hilarious Compilation Of Cats Getting Brain Freeze To Brighten Up Your Day

We all get brain freeze every now and then if we overindulge on some frozen dessert, but a human getting an ice-cream headache is nowhere near as entertaining as a cat. Not even close.

As you'll see in the compilation, it's not that the cats don't enjoy licking some ice-cream or an ice pop, it's just they short circuit for a little while when it all gets too much.

And they short circuit in the most hilarious ways.

OK so it's not too nice to be entertained by the suffering of another, cat or otherwise, but these cats do seem to be appreciating the sugary/milky goodness of the ice-cream. So it's not all bad, plus the brain freeze is only temporary.

Quite often after the cat has its moment it goes back to indulging in the frosty deliciousness. And in the end it just makes the cats even more adorable with their crazy brain freeze ways.

But, as brain freezy as these cats get, they don't hit the pinnacle of cat brain freeze which is Wormhole Brain Freeze, as can be seen below.

That cat has it so bad, he travels through a portal in space-time before journeying back. Whoah.


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