Voomed — Page 119
- All Kids Need A Stylish Ride - The Broon F830 Is A Luxury 'Supercar' Aimed At Children It comes to something when your young kids are driving around in a better car than you are, but that could happen if generous grandparents bought them this new car, the Broon F830, from South Korean c...
- How to Age Gracefully - People Aged 7 to 93 Offer Words Of Wisdom To Their Younger Counterparts We all get older, we all get a little bit wiser, we all get a little more gray hair and more wrinkles. At least that's the idea anyway. And it sort of works, because looking back at yourself as a teen...
- An Adorable Kitten Is Dramatically Saved From Drowning In A Storm Drain Pipe By Brave Volunteer There's an awful lot of crapness in the world, but there's also this kitten being rescued from drowning too—which goes a tiny way to balancing things out. Heroic volunteer Dorella Tuckwiller, who also...
- How About A Mouth-Shaped Coffee Lid That Will Kiss You Awake With Your Morning Cup Of Java It goes without saying that most of us enjoy a cup of coffee (or ten) to kickstart our day and ready us for the morning's workload. You might even call yourself a coffee lover. Well, a new coffee lid ...
- Kleenex At The Ready: Dad Gets Cops To Pull Over His 17yr Old Daughter To Deliver Awesome Surprise What this father does is either a really awesome thing to do or a really evil thing to do—or, more likely, it meets somewhere in the middle. Instead of just gifting his 17-year-old daughter with a tic...
- Mario Skate - Mario Kart + Skateboarding Sees Luigi Outrunning Green Shells In Real Life Video Game The Mario gaming franchise has covered many different sports in its time, but we've still yet to see any of the characters on a skateboard. Whys that you may ask yourself? I mean it sounds so cool i c...
- 'Shut It Off' - The City of Woodbury's Taylor Swift Water Conservation Parody Is So Bad It's Brilliant Nothing drives home the message of water conservation like a Taylor Swift parody that's so excruciatingly bad, the people who made it are either high level trolls or don't really care how much they em...
- Ashley Madison Data Hack Now Claiming Lives - Two Suicides Linked To Leak Say Toronto Police Fallout from the Ashley Madison leak continues and has taken a tragic turn of events after police in Toronto have linked two suicides to it. The data hack at the website which facilitates extra-marita...
- Saturday Night Fever Russian-Style Is Absolutely Hilarious And Involves A LOT Of Vodka It's no secret that the Russians love their vodka, and if they drink enough of it they'll find themselves staggering around the streets barely able to support their own body weight. Hey, we've all bee...
- Scientists Create Wormhole In Laboratory, Send Magnetic Field Through Extra Special Dimension Wormholes in space have yet to be discovered, but scientists in a lab in Spain have managed to create a wormhole-like effect. It's unlikely to see Matthew Mcconaughey traveling through it to search fo...
- The Karate Kid—Turns Out That, Actually, Daniel is the Real Bully In The Movie #ChildhoodRuined Prepare to have your childhood/adulthood/whateverhood ruined because this video shows we had it wrong all these years. Many of us saw The Karate Kid when we ourselves were a kid—and, no, not the remak...
- Watch Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Movies Done In The Offbeat Style Of The Deadpool Trailer Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies (not including the third one, God no) are some of the finest comic book adaptations to have graced the silver screen. Especially Spider-Man 2 which is all kinds of awesom...
- "Don't Touch The Snake!" -- Boa Constrictor Bites Woman On Dutch Reality TV Show It's official, reality TV shows are bad for you health. Especially if you're a Dutch woman called Ymke Wieringa who happened to be a contestant on Real Girls in the Jungle. The Dutch TV show drops con...
- All Hail This Hilarious Weird Satanist Guy Who Was 'Interviewed' On Detroit Local News Earlier this month at the Satanic Temple of Detroit a 9ft tall bronze statue dedicated to the Dark Lord was unveiled, depicting a goat-headed, winged demon known as Baphomet flanked by two children. C...
- Welcome To 'Dismaland' - Banksy Has Opened A Creepy, Nightmarish Anti-Theme Park In England British artist Banksy, known for his dark humor and anti-establishment attitude, has opened a theme park, or a kind of anti-theme park, at British seaside town Weston-Super-Mare. Called Dismaland it's...
- Sit Back, Roll A Fat One, And Watch 'A Brief History Of Weed In The Twenty-First Century' Today in America weed is treated much more fairly than it has been in the past. There are now four states—Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington—where the sale and possession of marijuana is legal fo...
- Go Old School With A New App That Turns Your Photos Into Retro Computer Graphics If you grew up in a time when the Commodore 64 was the height of home computing—and even if you didn't—there's a good chance you're a fan of retro graphics. And if you miss those days when blockiness ...
- Blade The Adorable Bionic Baby Tortoise Moves About With The Help Of A LEGO Wheelchair If you're having any kind of bad day or bad start to your year, the footage of Blade the tortoise rolling along towards some lettuce on a LEGO wheelchair should set you straight. Poor little Blade cou...
- Does Size Matter? Big Or Small, Size Most Definitely Matters To The People In This Fail Compilation As with any topic you care to mention (and staying away from the obvious), big is always seen as better, but is that always true? Well not if it has anything to do with how much in debt you are in, or...
- Hip Hop Lyrics Meet Classical Paintings To Form A New Kind Of Masterpiece - #OldSkoolRulez The internet is great at juxtaposing things together that shouldn't really have ever crossed paths. But on those rare occasions that they do, sometimes a thing of beauty is born. For instance, hip hop...